Rae Bulter and Linda Newstrom-Lloyd.  2023. Varroa victory: working together to breed varroa resistant bees.  New Zealand Beekeeper, October/November issue.

Varroa victory: working together to breed varroa-resistant bees.
By Rae Butler and Linda Newstrom-Lloyd, The New Zealand Bee Breeding Association

To win against varroa, we need to use every tool we have got. Breeding for varroa-resistant bees is a powerful tool that can easily be incorporated into Integrated Pest Management Plans.

Read the full article here, which covers the following:




“The essence of varroa resistance is that it harms the mite population by reducing the mites’ reproductive fitness whereas tolerance reduces the effects of varroa on the bees themselves, leaving the mite population unharmed.”

Reference List

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